ACC Cell Ministry was set up with the understanding that Christian life is to be lived in community, not in isolation. In Hebrews 10:25-25, the apostle Paul said,
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
The Cell group in ACC is a great place where we can offer and receive encouragement, prayer and support to one another as we live out our Christian faith together. There are currently 12 cell groups who meet in homes, as well as virtually, at different locations across the island.
We warmly welcome you to join one of our existing cell groups, or find at least four other committed church members to form a new one. All you have to do is contact Brother Amos to get connected.
We believe that language should not be a barrier to God. The Chinese Ministry is here to serve those who are more comfortable conversing in mandarin.
Join us at our
We provide Chinese interpretation at the main Sunday service conducted in English, done simultaneously through an audio headset. Contact us @ 9857 8280 to find out more or to arrange for a visit!
We meet weekly at different homes to worship, share the Word of God and fellowship. The cell group is conducted in mandarin.
We provide one-to-one bible study in mandarin, at your convenience. Contact us @ 9857 8280 to find out more or to arrange for a bible study.
We believe that worship can take place anywhere and anytime for Spirit-filled believers and is the pathway to intimacy with Jesus. We worship Jesus in Spirit and in Truth.
Our mission is to stir and facilitate vibrant worship and bringing the presence of Jesus to our midst. Where God is, we expect miracles, refreshing, healing and deliverance!
To find out more about Worship Ministry, feel free to talk to Bro Jack Chong.
Athletes-in-Christ (AiC) is a sports ministry that has been reaching out to athletes for Christ, for over a decade. Founded in 2008 by a coach whose passion was to share Christ to sports enthusiasts and engage with others through sports, AiC hopes to build Christ-centered sporting communities that love God and serve others. Galatians 2:20 helps us never lose sight of who we are and the work we are called to do: “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me…”
Athletes-in-Christ is passionate about
Using sports as a platform to evangelize, disciple and mentor athletes to become God-fearing leaders.
Building a community of athletes to support one another in their growth and deepening relationship with Christ, as well as others.
Helping athletes develop their God-given talents in order to serve other Christian athletes, in the love and power of Jesus Christ.
Building up a resource base and training community that equips AiC sports ambassadors
We run sports clinics, training sessions as well as training camps to help student and adult athletes to learn to draw closer to the Lord even as they train for and compete in sporting events. It also organises overseas mission trips.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook as we embark on AiC 2.0. We look forward to partnering with you to grow in faith and boldness, and to build God’s kingdom with like-minded partners and churches
We are YouthALIVE, the vibrant youth ministry of Alive Community Church, for young people aged 13 to 22.
Here at YouthALIVE, we’ve got something for everyone. We run various programmes for spiritual growth, outreach, and of course, fun and fellowship. Whether you’re in Secondary school, JC, Polytechnic, ITE, NS, or University, there’s a LIFEgroup (cell group) for you. Whether you’re new to the faith or in search of deep revelation, there’s a Bible Study for you.
No matter who you are, Jesus loves you and we do too!
Join us!
ENCOUNTER Youth Services on Sundays at 1:30pm
Upper Room Prayer Meetings on Saturdays at 7:30pm
Contact us! Plan a Visit!
Email us at
DM us on Instagram @accyouthalive
We look forward to spending time with you!
Jesus is Our Message
Our generation desperately needs a revival of the 1st century church, and that is what we are. We don’t just learn and sing about Jesus – we are filled with His Spirit and we experience His supernatural presence and power every time we worship together. Our worship is passionate and exuberant, and that’s because we simply can’t shut up about Jesus! We hope you can tell that we are unashamed of the Gospel, and we can’t wait to share Jesus with you.
Built on Bedrock
We are a youth ministry built on the Word of God. We believe in teaching and preaching from the Bible, understanding the Bible, and living out the Bible.
Prayer is Our Priority
When we say, “We’re praying for you”, we mean it!
YouthALIVE believes in the power of prayer and God has graciously allowed us to consistently participate in deep prayer and intercession. If revival in our generation is what we want, prayer is what we will do!
We’re A Team!
We believe that the kingdom of God is not a one-man show. Everyone can and should serve the Lord and no one should do so alone.
We give of ourselves cheerfully, knowing that Jesus is pleased when we fix our eyes on building His kingdom and reaching our generation for His glory.
Loving and Accepting, Yet Uncompromising
In YouthALIVE, we strive to build a culture where individuals can find love, acceptance, and support in their journey to become more like Jesus. We’re a loving (and very fun) family that runs this race of life hand in hand, leaving no one behind in our uncompromising pursuit of Jesus and His righteousness.
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day. drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25
Here at ACC, everyone is invited and encouraged to form, or join a cell – all it takes is four committed members to start a new group.
Currently, we have about 12 different cells gathering in homes, as well as virtually from different locations across the island – some groups catering to specific interests and life phase.
If you are looking and hoping to get connected to a cell, start a new group or attend a different cell, please feel free to contact Bro Amos
Intercession, or prayer, forms a key part of ACC’s A.L.I.V.E vision – Interceding Fervently – where prayer is a central focus of our every activity and ministry.
We aim to help connect people to Christ through prayer via the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer gives us peace in times of trouble, answers when we need help and strength when we are weak. In ACC, we trust that if we ask anything according to His Will, He hears us. (1John 5:14).
Jesus said in Matthew 23:11, “…and my house shall be called a house of prayer.” We invite you to join us in partnering with God, to see His will be done in every situation.
Join us!
Daily Zoom Prayer Call
Zoom prayer meeting at 6:45 am – 7:33 am
Join us as we pray for the needs around the world, as well as for the salvation of our friends and family.
TRAVAIL Prayer Meeting on every first Friday of the month
Join us for prayer in the home of one of the saints. Please email us at for prayer meeting details.
Sunday Services
Join us as we gather to hear the preaching of God’s Word, share of His goodness and pray for His will to be done in the lives of our family, our church, our nation and the world.
You can also email us at to send us your prayer requests.
Social media is big today, a powerful tool that the ACC Social Media Team wants to utilise to
Share Christ (with the world)
Engage & foster community (amongst believers & followers)
Encourage (all creatures great and small)
Disseminate information (to all on God’s green earth)
Each post we put up on social media is like a little seed planted in cyberspace. We are trusting God to bring forth growth as He uses each post to touch a heart here and strengthen a life there.
So we, the ACC Social Media team, are but happy, creative vessels who plant the seeds. As the apostle Paul so accurately puts it in 1 Cor 3:6-7, “ I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. ”
If you love Jesus and social media (in that order of importance please), are creative and wish to be a happy vessel through which His amazing love and salvation message can be shared with the world, join us as a volunteer.
Here is what you have to do: Step 1: Follow us on Instagram and Facebook
Step 2: Drop us a message on IG air FB to say, ‘I am interested to volunteer in the ACC social media team.’ Give us your real name & your height (No, we’re pulling your leg- we don’t need your height!)
We, at KidsALIVE, are passionate about sharing the Word of God in fun and engaging ways. We want to inspire each child to apply the Word to his/her daily life too. We are committed to praying for each child to encounter Jesus personally, desire to know and serve Him, and live life grounded in His Word.
What you can look forward to in our classes
Bible Skits/Role-play
Bible reading
Praise and worship
Games & Quizzes
Arts & Crafts
Object lessons
Group Discussions
Join us!
Every Sunday from 10.30am (after main service praise and worship) to 11.45 am.
We run 4 different kids classes on site:
CLUB SAMUEL AGE 2-3 (subject to attendance)
Vacation Bible School (VBS) for children from the age of 4 through 12 years is run annually during the December school holidays.
If you have children, we would love to have them join one of our classes. If you are a committed member of the church with a passion to work with children, join us as a KidsALIVE teacher or assistant teacher. Contact Sister Juliet at for more information.
Call us: 90901770
Our Sunday services are held at Alive Atrium, Luzerne Building, #04-03, 339940 every Sunday.
Main Service: 10.00am to 11.45am
Mandarin Service: 1.00pm to 2.30pm
Keep me updated through email.
© 2024 ALIVE COMMUNITY CHURCH – All rights reserved.